A Parish Plan For Kinlet
The original Parish Plan was produced in 2006 and has been developed since then to provide a framework for the needs of Kinlet Parish to be addressed over the forthcoming years – with appropriate updates.
The Plan is used to guide the activities of the Parish Council and influence other local authorities, eg through inclusion in the Cleobury Mortimer Place Plan, and organisations.
In 2019 a survey (on line and by mail) was circulated to all the households in Kinlet – 5% replied and some replies were very de-tailed.
A series of Action Points were identified and these have formed the basis of the Parish Plan 2021.
It is recognised that some of these Action Points can be dealt with fairly quickly, but others are more strategic and will take more time and perseverance before results are achieved. The Parish Council will review progress quarterly.
Thanks to everyone who has taken part and replied to the questionnaires. The Plan is dynamic and can be updated at any time – so please continue to let the Parish Council know if you believe that there is anything that has been left out.
Parish Plan 2021 (click to view)

TRAFFIC & ROAD SAFETY: to monitor and address concerns, especially over speeding through the main settlements in the Parish.
COUNTRYSIDE, RIGHTS OF WAY & TOURISM: to promote and improve our exciting network of footpaths, bridle-ways and cycleways, and to develop interest in our local heritage and history.
HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE: to establish a more efficient system of tracking, reporting and pursuing local problems – until they are put right.
TRANSPORT: to address the needs of those (including young people and the elderly) who lack their own means to access services and facilities.
THE LOCAL ECONOMY & TRAINING NEEDS: to support local businesses and local employment and to campaign for high speed broadband and improved mobile connectivity.
COMMUNICATION & DEMOCRACY: to improve the flow of information through the Newsletter and the Parish website; to explain the role of the Parish Council and to en-courage participation.
Further Information
Further Information can obtained from the clerk at : kinletpc@hotmail.co.uk
or by telephoning Mrs Janette Burgess 01562 227449.
The Parish Plan has been supported by funding from DEFRA and the West Midlands Rural Community Council Network