Introducing An Idea Or Issue To Kinlet Parish Council
Do you have an idea or issue that you would like to present to the Parish Council ?
There are a number of ways you can bring your thoughts to the attention of the Parish Council. You could for instance attend a meeting and present your thoughts directly to us during our public participation. You could perhaps write directly to the Clerk and she will then include your letter in the next agenda or you could contact any of the Parish Councillors directly either by telephone or e mail and ask them to put your thoughts forward at the next meeting.
If you have never spoken in public before it can be a rather daunting experience and it can be easy to forget what you actually wanted to say once you start. Kinlet Parish Council actively encourages you to attend out meetings and present your ideas. It is however time restricted and therefore it is best to be fully prepared before you arrive.
Think about what it is that you are presenting to us. Perhaps it is information to support a planning application, maybe you have an idea that you feel will benefit the whole community or perhaps you have a complaint to raise regarding pavements or roads or even dog fouling or refuse.
Most important make a list of the points you wish to make in order of relevance.
Remember, if necessary, to include times and dates of incidents and of course the place. Make it constructive and don’t forget to include what outcome it is that you would like to achieve.
Write it down exactly as you would want to present this to the Parish Council and then read it out to yourself and time it. It is best to keep your presentation to under three minutes; this may not sound like long enough but it is surprising how much you can present in that time, especially if you are prepared.
If you don’t feel like you can present your views during public participation or if you feel your problem is too sensitive to discuss in public you could telephone, e mail or write to the Clerk or any of the Parish Councillors or perhaps you could attend one of our regular surgeries.
Do not expect anything to happen overnight.
Legally, any item discussed must be included in an Agenda therefore your views, ideas or issues will be included in the next Agenda and will then be discussed and any outcome will be included in the minutes. Of course we may need to gather further information, write to relevant authorities, individuals etc. and this will add to the time before any decisions can be firmly made. You are of course welcome to attend any meeting to hear your proposals being discussed, although you are only legally allowed to speak during the Public Participation Time.
Remember we are here to listen, help and advise and we will do our best to deal with your issue or idea as sensitively, quickly and professionally as possible.